Unlock revenue growth with a Customer Data Platform
The world is not what it was a few years ago... Nowadays, adapting to a digital-first, permission-based world requires an entirely new mindset.[...]
SAP Commerce Cloud Vision Ahead
In case you missed our SAP Commerce Cloud strategy and features, you want to make sure you take a quick check.

Now back to what brought you here, what’s the key roadmap for SAP Commerce Cloud?[...]
Pyxis CX partook in the Retail Innovation Conference
Alejandro Mateo, Managing Director of Pyxis CX, visited the Retail Innovation Conference and Expo 2022 in Chicago, USA.[...]
Unleashing SAP Commerce Cloud Power
We believe in sharing knowledge and insights. SAP Commerce Cloud had a classic talk about it's current capabilities that reinforce their enterprise grade commerce status for 2022.[...]
Sustainable ecommerce and the challenge of online returns
In episode number 15 of UR, we talk to Mariana Silvera, head of Pyxis' Environmental Commission, to learn about the impacts of ecommerce and how to mitigate them.[...]
10 years certifying us with SAP Certified Development Professional
Andrés Benech, Mauricio Calcagno, María Fernanda Cardona, Mauro González, Florencia Sacra and Gonzalo Labandera obtained the SAP Certified Development Professional.[...]
eCommerce in 2022: what to expect next year?
While global uncertainty is significant on several fronts, from the economic and health situation, what trends can we expect for ecommerce in 2022?[...]
The new new and the new old in digital commerce
We talked with Natalia Macri, vice president of the CEDU, to deepen in the different strategies and precautions that organizations must face when entering the world of e-commerce.[...]
Cybersecurity, digital crime and COVID-19
We talked to Jorge Salazar, cybersecurity specialist, about digital crimes in the face of the massive use of digital platforms after the COVID-19 pandemic.[...]
Pyxis Commerce Enabler optimizes development costs, quality and time-to-market.
If you are thinking of implementing SAP Commerce in your company, Pyxis Commerce Enabler is a MUST HAVE, since it optimizes development costs, quality and time-to-market.[...]


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